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O U R   M A R K E T

So Natural Market is an emporium of organic and all natural dry goods. We take pride in offering GMO free foods to suit your needs. If you are looking for a product that we do not offer, we would be happy to order it for you.




Local Grass-Fed Beef

All selections are sold in 10lb packages


A- Lean Ground Beef 1lb packages $80.00
B- Tenderized Cutlets, Round, Flank, & Skirt Steaks $80.00
C- Variety Pack- Ribs, Soup Bones, Stew and Chili Meat $75.00
D- Sampler Pack may include: Roasts, Steaks (T-Bone, Sirloin, Rib Eye or New York Strip) and Ground Beef $102.00


Please come into the restaurant to place your order. All orders must be completed and paid in full every Monday by 5:00pm.

Delivery is every Wednesday.


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